Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences -


The aim of education in the Engineering and Natural and Applied Sciences areas  is to increase intellectual capacity in the obtained major as well as to develop the ability to conduct a scientific research and to create the necessary leadership and communication skills.
In this context, according to 2547 Law of Higher Education graduate education process started  on the basis of our university beginning from 2013-2014 academic year. This graduate education consists of Master’s and Ph.D. programs organized by Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences. The Institute is responsible for managing the research process  by establishing the coordination and connection between different scientific  disciplines.
Istanbul Gelisim University Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences provides programs  listed:
Thesis Master’s programs in
       -  Civil Engineering
       - Mechatronics Engineering
- Electrical-Electronics Engineering
       -Electrical-Electronics Engineering (English)
Non-Thesis Master’s programs in
       -Civil Engineering
       - Occupational Health and Safety
Ph.D. programs in
       -Civil Engineerin